5th EHU General Assembly 2020

April 3, 2020 - April 3, 2020 Croatia, Ivanić Grad


April 3, 2020 - April 3, 2020


Croatia, Ivanić Grad

5th EHU General Assembly 2020

This very important European Hapkido Union event will be held as introduction to the biggest Hapkido weekend in Europe in this year. It will be held in Hotel Sport, Ivanić Grad, Croatia in April 03rd, 2020. with start at 16.00. On the General Assembly will be present representatives from 23 countries – EHU memebers. On this evenet we will decise many new thing in work of European Hapkido Union.

Agenda for the meeting:

  1. Ratification of the 11th GA Minutes
  2. Verification of new country representatives
  3. Work Report in 2019 – EHU president
  4. Representing new EHU Competition Rules
  5. Work of EHU Black belt Society
  6. The establishment of the EHU Sport committee and Hapkido Development
  7. The establishment of the EHU referee committee
  8. European Hapkido Championship 2021 – International Hapkido Cooperation
  9. European Hapkido Cup 2020 – TBA
  10. European Hapkido Hall of Fame
  11. Other 2020 working plan and program
  12. Other subjects